Preventing Texting While Driving
Saving Lives
Distracted driving is costing insurance companies billions of dollars every year in increased losses and expenses.
Key Facts
Distracted Driving / Texting While Driving
For many, driving is a daily activity, not requiring much thought or consideration. However, the sad reality is that there are 3,287 deaths each day due to fatal car crashes. On average, 9 of these daily fatalities are related to distracted driving. The sad thing? These deaths all stem from a cause that is completely preventable.
The Insurance Industry is paying
Rising Claim Costs
Distracted driving is costing insurance companies billions of dollars every year in increased losses and expenses.
Auto insurance losses and expenses have exceeded premiums for every year since 2007. Losses and expenses exceeded premiums by $7.5 billion in 2015, up from $3.3 billion a year earlier.
We save lives
ArcoProtect technology can save you and your families life
- Distracted driving accounts for approximately 25% of all motor vehicle crash fatalities.
- At the time of fatal crashes, teens have been the largest age group that reported being distracted while driving.
- Driver distraction is reported to be responsible for more than 58% of teen crashes.
- In 2015, 391,000 injuries were caused in distracted driving related accidents.
- In that same year, distracted driving was cited as a major factor in 3,477 traffic deaths.
- 9 people in the U.S. are killed each day as a result of crashes involving a distracted driver, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Distracted driving
It can be prevented
Driving distracted is compared to drunk driving since it follows the same psychological pattern: when drivers get away with driving distracted, they then continue to practice this bad habit until a crash occurs or until they are caught and suffer consequences. ArcoProtect can help to avoid tragedies.
Saving lives
ArcoProtect can save your and your family’s lives while operating a vehicle
Increased insurance premiums
Distracted driving is costing insurance companies billions of dollars every year in increased losses and expenses. The consequences are rising insurance premiums.
Losses are high
Auto insurance losses and expenses have exceeded premiums for every year since 2007. Losses and expenses exceeded premiums by $7.5 billion in 2015, up from $3.3 billion a year earlier
Eliminating distraction
ArcoProtect can put an end to cell phone distractions while driving
From the Founder
Help us making a difference in saving lives on the road
ArcoProtect and the engineering team is working hard to perfect the technology about “preventing texting while driving”. We are always looking for investors who are willing to help to move this project forward.
If there is any interest in our invention, please feel free to contact us and we are happy to provide you with more detailed information.
This message should never be construed as a solicitation. It is an opportunity for investors to make a difference in the world of safe driving.
Contact us for more information
1190 Bedford Road
LowelLville, Ohio 44436
Phone: (330) 536-8626